Stacey Abrams Wants You In The Census Fight With Her

Stacey Abrams Wants You In The Census Fight With Her

Stacey Abrams is fighting for her vision of an equitable America — plus it begins with making sure the youngest among us are seen by those in power.

The former Georgia state representative, who gained national prominence whenever she ran for governor in 2018, is aware firsthand how voter access can impact a race. Soon after she narrowly lost, her opponent, Brian Kemp, faced accusations of voter suppression, a practice that historically targets minority voters. (Kemp, who served as Secretary of State throughout the race, denied the claims.) Abrams’s supporters contend that she was robbed of the gubernatorial seat, which would have made her the first Black woman to serve as governor in United States history.

In the wake of her loss, Abrams founded a few corporations committed to fighting for a fair and representative democracy. Among them is Fair Count, a business working to empower hard-to-count populations, including young people and people of color, to fill out the 2020 census. That matters as the census happens once every 10 years — and the U.S. Government’s try to count each person in the nation, no matter their age, immigration status, or identity, accommodates decide the quantity of funding to allot each region over the next decade. Census intelligence is also used to divide up seats in Congress and votes in the Electoral College, which can preserve far-reaching effects on elections.

The census’s timing could not be more paramount, given that the current coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the already-critical need to address the climate crisis, the U.S. Health care system, and other urgent issues which the census’s findings can influence. Throughout a recent Skype discussion, Abrams discussed to MTV News about how the 2020 census could change young people’s lives, from the fight to eradicate gerrymandering to offering solutions for overcrowded classrooms and more.

MTV News: You've been known for your work in advocating for voter access, especially in Georgia. So what does the census have to do with voting rights?

Stacey Abrams: I began Fair Count around the same time I began Fair Fight. I conceived of it immediately following the 2018 election because not getting the job of governor did not exempt me from the work that I thought I was responsible for: Protecting our people and making sure as several people can participate as possible. We know about going to vote, however how we vote and the options we have are decided by the census every 10 years.

The census does two really key things: One, it allocates $1.5 trillion that is used to pay for things like beds in hospitals or school lunches or Pell grants. Although the other thing it does is it reapportions how several congressional leaders each state has and yes it draws the political lines that let's get to determine who our leaders are. The problem is, if we don't have an accurate census, [then] some of us don't get a real choice because they don't draw the lines to include us.

MTV News: What are some programs the census funds that would affect young people the most?

Abrams: Let's begin with Head Start. For a lot of communities, Head Begin isn't only education, it's daycare. And the variety of kids that are going to be in Head Begin are decided by the assortment of babies being place on Earth right now.

And in case you don't want your youth in an overcrowded classroom — along with a lot of us went to school with overcrowded classrooms or in trailers — they begin counting how several kids are going to be in classrooms in 20, 30 years by looking at the numbers they have 2020. So in the event you never get counted, you're gonna be in overcrowded classrooms for the next 10 years.

And then while you get prepared to go to college, assuming you got a good education, the Pell grants — cash that cooperates with the you pay for college — are decided by the census. They distribute the funds by how several young folks are likely to go. Decisions that you might think about today will be determined for you. Mention you have a 8-year-old brother or sister. In 2020, the government is going to count how several 8-year-olds there really are. So by 2030, they'll have already determined how much cash will be accessible any time that child gets prepared to go to college.

MTV News: Speaking of Pell grants, we know college students are among the most likely to be undercounted. How do you suggest the current coronavirus pandemic might affect what's going to happen?

Abrams: Right now, here's the reality: The official responsibility is that your college should count you where you are. Nevertheless it's estimated that only about 60 percent of colleges actually do it. At the same time, your parents are told not to count you at residence. So if your college doesn't count so you and your parents don't count you, you're invisible. That insinuates you never get the Pell grant cash you need. You never get access to the services could in case you need help with housing — and housing dollars come from census. So in case if you've got to live off campus, the census accommodates assists to determine how much housing is available.

So here's what I say: If you're in a household where you survive with your parents, have them count you. In case you happen to be double-counted, the census has a process to delete duplicates. They can get rid of one of the numbers — but it's much easier to get rid of something than it is to add something. Because once the census is done, it done. There really is no do-over.

MTV News: Fair Count is doing a lot to create ensure that people without access to the world wide web or computers can complete the census, as this is the opening time that the census is being conducted online. How is the plan of action changing right now that so several folks are advised not to go out in public? 

Abrams: We’re using a lot of social distancing, nevertheless we still are encouraging people who need access to go online to use it. There really are call centers that are obtainable and you could call to fill out the census. The problem is people aren't necessarily staffing the call centers because call centers usually are packed pretty closesly. So [in places where] we've put the world wide web in place, we're encouraging the people in charge of these community spaces to be very cautious about who they encourage to come in and to use social distancing where they have to.

Yet that's why we're so eager to get as several people as possible to fill it out as early as they can. The more people we can get to do it right now, that gives us more possibility to reach out to the people who do not get it done as we move forward.

MTV News: What would you desire to be able to see the federal government doing differently now in regard to the census?

Abrams: I think that we have seen more advertisements about it. However what I need people to understand — and what I wish the federal government was explaining — that there really is no do-over. Although COVID-19 is a pandemic that is forcing people to change their mannerisms, the Constitution doesn't change and the Constitution says it has to be done this year.

Right now, what the federal government needs to do is ensure they lengthen the quantity of time for responses. Generally, they're done counting by August. We know that's not going to be possible. And thus our hope is going to be that they take as long as they require to prepare ensure each person gets counted.

That's why young folks are so key, because — [for] your grandparents, those family member members, or those neighbors who are afraid to fill out the census — young people can be the voice of reason yet also the voice of really good intelligence. We need folks to know that the federal government can't use this intelligence against you. They're not going to send ICE to your homes because you fill out census. In the event if you've a warrant, they are not going to use the census to come and find you. In the event if you've a utility bill or phone, they already know where you are. Fill out the census and also you could get the cash. And we need the federal government to remind people that it's safe to fill out the census.

I know there is a lot of cynicism and people don't necessarily trust what's happening and that we have a federal government that doesn't habitually seem to be doing what it should. Although we've been doing the census since 1790. That's the one thing we do right. And thus I want each person to participate because it's going to predict our futures, even for people of color and for young people for the next decade.

MTV News: What can young people do to provoke people who normally mistrust the census to take it? 

Abrams: One: tell them it’s safe. As I mentioned, in the event if you've a phone or electric bill, they already know how to find you. [The census] just means they can confirm where you live, and the confirmation is crucial because it means the cash comes to your communities. That's why we need to know exactly where you are.

Number two: The statistics is confidential for 72 years. I'm 46, and I'm still also young to be able to see a census with my name in it. And yes it is unlawful. You would spend five years in prison, plus have a $250,000 fine for breaking the law, for almost every count. So there's never been a person who has taken statistics from the census.

Number three: there really is no citizenship question. They cannot use it to terrify immigrants or families that have immigrants and immigration issues. So it's absolutely safe. What’s not safe isn't responding.

This is the most diverse census in American history and the youngest census in American history. Those are two populations that will take power away from some people who want that power. Right now, this isn't a partisan provide. Yet in the event you want your life to be decided by who you are and by what you need and not by people who are attempting to erase you, the most dangerous thing to do is to not fill out the census.

MTV News: One of the most crucial issues for young people now is the climate crisis. How does the census affect climate policy? 

Abrams: Three things. One: in case you want elected leaders who actually believe in climate change, the census draws the political lines for a decade. So in the event you thought the last 10 years of people in charge were bad, this is your only chance to change the lines because what they did was draw the lines. That’s gerrymandering, any time while you draw the line so politicians get to pick the voters they want. Nevertheless if we fill out the census, the new lines will actually let voters pick the politicians we want. And in the event you hope to be able to see climate change action, you must have leaders who believe.

Number two: We have to remember that the climate change response isn't simply what's happening with the president or the Congress, yet we need both to do the correct thing. It's also who's in charge of your city council. Are they passing water laws that make sense? Who's in your state legislature? Are they allowing fracking or putting real controls on where coal ash goes? All of these decisions get made at the state and the local level and redistricting from the census affects every level of government. It's not just the federal government. So it's 10 years not only in the Congress — it's 10 years for everything.

And number three: The cash to pay for the answer, the cash to pay for putting out fires, for dealing with coal ash, over ensuring that environmental justice advocacy can take place — all of these dollars are allocated by census. So in the event you reside in a community that's affected by climate action or by inaction, in case you reside in one of these communities so you don't fill out the census as soon as the cash becomes obtainable to respond, it won't come to you.

MTV News: in the event you do just be campaigning as vice president on a presidential ticket, what would your top platforms be — especially pertaining to young people?

Abrams: Well, my responsibility, if I were so privileged, is to work with the platform of the nominee. Although here's the thing: We don't have a nominee who doesn't understand what's at stake. We need to invest in education from cradle to career. We need climate action right now. We cannot wait. And we need justice — and that demonstrates criminal justice reform. Yet it also means justice for communities that are usually left out. So immigration, justice, making sure that no matter who you are, if you're In the
U.S., That we treat you with respect and dignity. And that's what I'm going to talk about because I believe it. It's what I fought for here in Georgia. It's what I want to fight for, for America.

This interview has been edited for length.

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