Relationship Regrets: Should Dani Have Encouraged Her Ex To Move On With Kyra?

Relationship Regrets: Should Dani Have Encouraged Her Ex To Move On With Kyra?

Actions speak louder than words, and on tonight's episode of Ex on the Beach, Dani’s were totally deafening. So right now that it’s clear she still has feelings for ex-boyfriend David, and her encouragement for David to move on may have been prematurely planned, do you know it was smart for her to set her former flame free, or should she have been more truthful about the pain she felt in letting him go?

David – who seemed thrilled at the idea of reconciling with Dani once she first arrived to the residence – continued to change his tune. And how? His longtime crush Kyra had since moved in also and diverted David’s attention. So Dani did something few saw coming: She told David he had her blessing to move on. In theory, it seemed especially grown-up and decent. In practice it…pretty much just left Dani crying poolside for days to come, wondering out loud why David had to habitually be “looking for the next best thing.”

And because the housemates watched on, they seemed more than a little bit confused.

“I do believe the one error Dani made is while she gave David the green light converse with Kyra and then got irritated while he did it,” Da’Vonne said.

And the struggle between head and heart continued for Dani at the Table of Truth, where she laid her issues with David out with an indictment so severe, Arisce could only observe, “David got his wig snatched tidy off.”

“The way you have treated me in this residence is a brilliant reflection of how you treated me any time we dated,” Dani mentioned, adding that she felt like the safe decision to David only once something shinier wasn’t available.

Some housemates like Derynn thought the speech was a little bit dramatic (“If you’re gonna tell someone to do something and so they do it, don’t act surprised,” she mentioned) while Kyra, most surprisingly, felt empathy for Dani, noting “You can’t just get rid of feelings.”

Either way, David mentioned he “couldn’t feel worse about this,” leaving the house’s most lethal love triangle in a continued state of flux and its three corners unsure of exactly why things got so emotional -- or how they should move on.

So did Dani do the correct thing by giving David her blessing to seek out Kyra although it clearly hurt her? Or should she push for a resolution with him? Share your thoughts, and keep watching Ex on the Beach every Thursday at 8/7c!

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