Phony Ppl And Jovan Adepo Bless The Morning On 'TRL'

Phony Ppl And Jovan Adepo Bless The Morning On 'TRL'

With Phony Ppl's album mō'zā-ik out right now and Jovan Adepo's box office flick Overlord two weeks away, two major rising talents spilled the specifics of their buzzy new assignments on TRL.

Taking over the TRL couch, the four guys of Phony Ppl had a total post-album release glow while talking to host Sway Calloway in the studio. Immediately after telling Sway about the artists they've worked with on their side assignments, the guys faced off in naming as several celebs they could in certain categories, like Brooklyn emcees or rap groups with three or more members. Visualize who won and who fell flat below!

Subsequently, Jovan Adepo explained the plot for his upcoming war horror film, Overlord, hitting theaters on November 9. With Sway pointing up the groundbreaking nature of a black male lead in a war film, Jovan spoke about how he and the filmmakers managed the pressure he felt in that situation. Get hype for everything Overlord has to allocate this November below. TRL airs on weekdays at 8:00am ET.

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