First Reactions To Pixar's Onward Praise 'Trash Unicorns' And Power To Make You 'Ugly Cry'

First Reactions To Pixar's Onward Praise 'Trash Unicorns' And Power To Make You 'Ugly Cry'

Pixar's latest movie Onward is just around the corner, however several critics have already had their first taste of the studio's magical new adventure. The verdict is in, and most noticed the movie to be absolutely delightful – save for a number of snags here and there.

Onward follows elf brothers Ian (Tom Holland) and Barley (Chris Pratt), who embark on a life-changing journey to prove to themselves that there's still magic left in the world. They've also got an, uh, problem they require to take care of regarding their late father. When the pair bring back their father to life for just one day (a gift he abandoned them with upon his passing), realize @they could have gone about it all wrong, because, well, only parts of him return.

It's certainly a very different take on the kind of story we are usually expect from Pixar, nevertheless it appears those who have already seen the movie came out of it with an appreciation for its unique approach.

Rotten Tomatoes' Ashley Menzel called the film a "welcome departure" from Pixar's regular fare.

Insider critic Kirsten Acuna noted that the story "wasn't Pixar's best," nevertheless it does have a story that will "resonate with many."

SEN Live creator Kristian Harloff thought the film "had that Pixar magic, pun intended."

GameSpot's Chris E. Hayner praised the film as a "very emotional experience."

Collider's Steven Weintraub called it a "surprise to no one" that Pixar has delivered nevertheless another fantastic film."

Mashable's Alison Foreman lamented there wasn't enough time with the trash unicorns, although otherwise the film was "weird and wonderful."

Gizmodo's Germain Lussier wasn't as enamored with the film, although noted it does "pack a large emotional wallop."

Ready to check out Onward for yourself? Gather up your companions and hit the theater on March 6, once the film opens everywhere.

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