Don't Worry, Those Disney+ Movies That Disappeared Are Coming Back

Don't Worry, Those Disney+ Movies That Disappeared Are Coming Back

The recently-launched Disney+ is a haven for Disney fans around the globe. Furthermore to a mostly-complete catalogue of some of the Home of Mouse's greatest hits, it also incorporates a wide selection of TV shows and specials to take in. There's almost also much to pick from, nevertheless that's a good problem to have.

Recently, nevertheless, a series of titles were removed from the service that had subscribers up in arms. Movies like Home Alone, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides seemingly disappeared out of nowhere. Extra titles like Dr. Dolittle and The Fantastic World of Disney: Magical Holiday Celebration were pulled down as well.

This content removal apparently flew in the face of Disney representatives previously insisting that the service could be avoiding the dreaded content rotation that its rivals, like Netflix and Hulu, participate in routinely. That isn't the case here, although several fans are still frustrated over movie faves unceremoniously being yanked from the platform like they were.

Fortunately, all the movies previously removed from Disney+ will be making their way back, eventually. According to Gizmodo, a Disney+ spokesperson confirmed that their removal was simply due to legacy licensing issues. Essentially, the license deals will need to expire before some of your preference movies just be returning. As far as how long that may be, that's anyone's guess.

In the meantime, Your best bet may be to buy the Disney movies you love the most and desire to watch over and over again, as there doesn't seem to be any categorize kind of advance identify that clients will receive about content removal due to licensing issues. Having a hard copy is probably the perfect solution here, or downloading a paid version to your preference device.

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