9 Commercial Songs And Jingles That Actually Slap

9 Commercial Songs And Jingles That Actually Slap

Plenty of agencies have tiny, five-second jingles they play at the end of commercials, although only the bravest commit to full-length commercial songs, filling up 15, 30 or maybe 60 seconds. The general public may pretend they're annoyed by jingles, yet you and I know that many of those songs are actually bops -- and so they slap!

Education Connection

I already graduated, nevertheless the "Educational Connection Girl" makes me hope to find the correct college for me -- for free! The new 2011 jingle is no match for the original version, though.

Nationwide Insurance

Tori Kelly has been quiet on the personalized music front since dropping her debut album in 2015, nevertheless she's speedily becoming the queen of Nationwide Insurance. I know the lyrics to her first Nationwide jingle by heart and I'm doing my best to learn the words to the second.


The musical group beyond the FreeCreditReport.Com songs made at least six 30-second jingles, although none stick out more than the pirate jingle. I'm stuck wondering if the pirate singer ever noticed out which hacker stole his identity.

Daisy Sour Cream

I'd like to take this moment to thank the creators of the "do the dollop" song for being the initial to teach me what the word "dollop" means. I've likely never mentioned that word aloud, nevertheless I'll definitely do a dollop of Daisy.

Band-Aid Brand

It's no wonder the Band-Aid brand theme song slaps: the jingle was written by none other than Barry Manilow! It's an injustice that this track still hasn't topped the Billboard Hot 100.

Dixie Ultra

I'll be asking to sing the Dixie Ultra theme song the next time I go to karaoke and I'll be exceedingly disappointed if the instrumental isn't readily accessible. Those backup vocals are angelic!

Chili's Baby Back Ribs

The iconic Chili's Baby Back Ribs song has existed for a while right now, even popping up in movies and TV shows like The Office. Right now, Chili's is remaking the jingle by keeping the tune by changing the words in each commercial.


Though it's likely believed the most annoying jingle by most people, the Kars4Kids song is actually the catchiest track ever written and the general public is afraid to admit it.

J.G. Wentworth

No matter which version of the J.G. Wentworth jingle you're watching, one thing remains contact: the star needs money NOW. When's this classic hitting the Sydney Opera House?

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