8 Questions To Ask Yourself To Determine If You're A Local Or A Stan

8 Questions To Ask Yourself To Determine If You're A Local Or A Stan

because the term "Local Twitter" has become more widely known in the last few months, internet users are asking some questions: what is a local? And am I a local myself?

To explain it concisely, Stan Twitter is on the front lines of creating the internet's greatest memes and language, while Local Twitter later adopts the most famous trends six months also late. While the real differences are more abstract and nuanced, that's an eas way to differentiate Stan Twitter or Local Twitter.

Several stans and locals know their lanes, while others claim to be something they're not. Use the inquiries below to identify if you are a local, a stan or somewhere in between. Keep track of your answers to get your results.

How do you find GIFs to add to your tweets?

Local: You don't have your GIFs pre-determined once writing your tweets, so you'll probably wind up searching a keyword on Twitter's GIF tool.

Stan: You tend to know the exact GIFs you want and search for them on Google Images or have them stored on a folder on their desktop.

Do you have more than one Twitter account?

Local: You've just got one account and also you some days go days without checking your notifications.

Stan: You're constantly switching between all of your Twitter accounts, from your stan account, personalized, rant account and private. Your notifications are lot more to keep up with.

Do you have automatic tweets that go out on your account?

Local: You keep track of your follower gains and losses with one of several automatic tweet services, so you could get day-to-day horoscope readings posted on your account.

Stan: You just keep track of your follower account yourself and look up your horoscope in case you care enough.

How do you figure out internet slang you don't understand?

Local: You're a frequent user of Urban Dictionary definitions, since they re pretty accurate.

Stan: You've probably got a gc (that's a crowd chat, for locals) that can conveniently answer all your internet questions.

When did you learn what "wig" means -- in a slang sense?

Local: You didn't understand what it meant once Katy Perry said "wig" on American Idol earlier this year, however right now you think it's sort of funny.

Stan: Your wig was snatched into the universe any time Katy mentioned it, however that's only because you'd already been using the term for years, unlike Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie.

Do you tweet things about Target runs or Starbucks orders?

Local: You can rack up to 50 likes on a tweet about running into people from your hometown at a local store -- and that's probably your most-liked tweet!

Stan: You love a good local shopping or coffee trip like each person else, nevertheless you don't tweet about it for fear of being also "relatable."

Do your standards for companions and romantic interests just meet the bare minimum?

Local: You think it's absolutely adorable whenever you visualize someone surprising their partner with a pizza and plants, so you'll give it a retweet.

Stan: You've had enough of Bare Minimum Twitter, in which people have exceedingly low standards for the people in their lives. It's not relatable, because everyone should put in the task to be a good friend or partner.

Do you even know (or use) the terms local and stan?

Local: You don't -- at least not before reading this.

Stan: You can't believe I would even ask such a generic question.


1-3 local answers: You're a classic stan and also you don't ever give your Twitter username to IRL companions and coworkers for fear of what might happen.

4-6 local answers: You know most of the stan language, however a good chunk of your followers are from your hometown and you're scared they'll unfollow in case you get also stanny.

7-10 local answers: You're certainly a local -- although that's not necessarily a bad thing! You reside in a global of relatability and you also rarely get in Twitter fights.

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